Thursday, December 11, 2008


还记得我在考最后一张纸时,大姨丈过世了,我记得那晚我还失了眠。。。回来家后的那个星期五, 姑公--- 姑婆的老公,过世了。。。 前天,二舅母也走了。。。我不知道要说什么,只觉得我要珍惜当下。。。

Saturday, November 15, 2008


听说过天下没有白吃的午餐,但我们竟有白吃的晚餐。。。因为DIGI有给users rewards,我们竟然赚到???哈哈。。。就是在我前面那个帅哥帮我们付钱的啦。。。超爽的。。。


Sunday, November 9, 2008


考试时,心情还蛮沉重的。。。有时都会怪自己为什么平时这么懒散,到了现在,却要啃下一学期的笔记,面对着一大堆的陌生词汇。。。=。=“ 但我就尽力而为,这是我读得累时,因为没有roomates, 都会打回家,和家人聊聊,以让自己放下自己的压力,家人都会和我说,“尽力就好”。。。 每一张paper虽然不是很ok, 但我已经尽力了。。。我无怨无悔。。。嘻嘻。。。还记得每天在宿舍读书时,都会很想家,很想回家。。。但之前太忙时就根本都没时间想家。。。哈哈。。。因为蛮寂寞的。。。宿舍后面新开了一间cafe,那天竟然开了蔡依琳的“一个人”。。。 非常应景啊。。。哈哈。。。

一考完这星期的数学,因为就有多天的“休息日”,大伙就到了Queensbay看The Coffin和High School Musical 3...放松一下自己。。。 更是在等下一场戏时,无聊地到儿童玩具部去,闲逛一下。。。哇咔咔。。。

Saturday, October 25, 2008



又是考试的季节了, 剩下短短的一星期时间,却要消化一学期的科目,有点吃不消。尤其是看到大家都读完了,而且还要和我讨论时,更是有点被逼到。但说到被逼到,还莫过于被质疑“没读书论”, 还有“被问分数论”。 我真的不想比。。。虽然看到别人考得好时, 会非常羡慕,但我也知道, 我要赢的是自己,不是别人。。。要加油咯。。。 虽然那天考完试后,有点反省,说要读书了,但我们还是去了QUEENSBAY, 看了SOUL'S CORE,也到了龙的传人,享受享受。。。 最近都很爱吃,我想,也许食品工艺这一科系,我们选对了吧!!! 哈哈。。。


Sunday, September 21, 2008




Chua Mei, 我们的大姐,大我们两岁哦。。。








Saturday, September 13, 2008











奇怪吧, 原来还有很多我们不知道的东西哦!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008



Full clothes event...

With Chia Chin, our course rep...

With Joo Parn
Before full clothes event for life saving...

Monday, September 1, 2008



Sunday, August 31, 2008



Monday, August 18, 2008

Nice Car

Wow, a nice car right? I am going to have one, wakakaka... But disappeared recently, guess the owner drives the car in illegally... Without sticker yea...Wakaka...


My roomate will move to other desasiswa, I will be alone in the room... ^^

Finish Up Your Foods Exhibition by Food Division

The Convocation has finally finished yesterday, it won't be crowded anymore...^^

My Hostel-Cahaya Gemilang

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gone Are The Days...

Watching the dancing video recorded and uploaded in U tube, miss those days we spent together and done crazy things together!!! All the best ya, my friends in all around Malaysia and Singapore... ^^

Friday, June 27, 2008

New Life...

Got to start a new life in a brand new environment tomorrow... Excited! Nervous! Hehe... Do hope everything will be just fine...Doing a lot of documents stuffs recently which drives me crazy again. I always advise my friends not to do their works last minute, but this time, is my turn to do things last minute. I don't want to, but I have to. Next time got to put myself in others' shoes. When we are facing the same problem, undergoing the same situation, then only we will really understand it.Those who stay up in the midnight to print the PTPTN forms for me, thanks a lot. Wakaka...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Teaching life...

Wow, being a temporary teacher in primary school (Phooi Yong) is just so interesting. Anyway, I will be there only for a short period (two weeks). The pupils there are adorable and innocent, undeniably, there are still some naughty and disobedient students who will drive me mad. Therefore, I always make the full use of the ancient and yet powerful method---caning to “tame” them. Holding the cane during lesson can actually play a vital part in order to make sure there is no distraction in my class. They will also keep their mouths shut if I give them a cross look. However, I did cause two little boys to have hard feeling after caning them. Luckily, they are happy-go-lucky type and started to talk to me after that.

Entering different classes which enables me to know more students of different standards by teaching them different subjects is great. Chatting with them is of the greatest part too. Although they will ask me some silly questions out of curiosity which are not related to that subject, I am glad to have such interaction with them. They treat me as their friend but in the mean time respect me as their teacher. A standard two little boy even told me today, “Sir, you are so cute.” I feel so the very Oh My God as I should have uttered that sentence and not him. Sigh…

Well, I am the temporary form teacher for 4A. That’s why I am closer with them. Their form teacher, Ms Ooi told me about her class and the lazy, naughty and talkative students during my 1st day to this school. Hence, I know them and their problems well but I find out that I am much closer to the naughty students. What a prank!!! Haha… Anyway, I satisfy with their performance in my class at this stage as they will finish the homework given. In return, I will try my very best to help them improving their studies… Great teacher huh??? Hahaha…. Not GTO anyway…^^

Group discussion in 4B
Writing testimonials is still the trend in primary school

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Life is short, value it!!!

I love to capture photos. For me, taking loads of photos whenever I pay a visit to a place is just so fun. We are getting busier as we grow elder and automatically there is lesser time and opportunity for us to chill and doing those nonsense things. Photo is the only thing I can keep, which reminds me of those crazy days we spent together and those craps that we had uttered. However, I don’t have a digital camera. I just use my mobile phone’s camera device to snap photos.

Flipping my photos albums just now caused me to lose my self-control and can’t stop myself from laughing. Those albums are just like the reminiscences of my youth. I had done too many stupid things in the past and yet I miss the past. But I remember my friend told me, don’t be trapped in the past.

Life is full of uncountable unpredictable events which appear as challenges to us. We can never know what will happen to us tomorrow or in future. We have to accept the ups and downs in our lives. There is no way to file a complaint to the God, requesting a perfect life. Life is short, value every moment you spend with your dearest one. Life is irreversible. There is no U-turn in our lives. Appreciate everybody around you. Let’s start it today, make it a brand new day.

Happy Father’s Day to all smart daddies today!!!

Smile always, like what the little cute boy does....

wakaka... ^^